

For PuzzleWood's Fabric variant SPF39-004, we sprayed blocks of solid wood white, mixed with blocks finished with a blue-white floral fabric. This gives a special look, perfect for creating an eye-catching wall or bar front!

PuzzleWood Fabric SPF39-004:

  • the panels are produced in the desired net size, so there is hardly any sawing loss and waste. You specify the dimensions of the walls and we make a division into manageable panels.
  • After assembly, no seams/panels are visible, the wall is visually a whole. If necessary, miter the bend and recesses in the wall are already made in the factory.
  • Model 4 x ... means that the blocks are 4 cm wide and are placed in a random pattern in different lengths. You can also choose from finer blocks (1.2 and 3 cm wide) for this type of wood.
  • Of course we can adapt the fabric, give us your desired fabric and we will make it happen!
  • PuzzleWood panels are made of blocks of wood on a fiberboard support, so they can be processed like normal board material with normal tools. PuzzleWood Fabric executed with the fabric as applied in your project, inquire about our possibilities.